
Vimeo License Agreement

Here you can browse all the videos on Vimeo that have been licensed Creative Commons. Creative Commons licenses allow members to grant copyright privileges for their videos so that others can copy, distribute, edit, remix and build them on them while recognizing the creator of the original video. Learn more about Creative Commons. This license allows broadcasting, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is transmitted without change and overall, with credit to you. To the extent that the manufacturer has agreed, in its agreements with Vimeo, to settle disputes with consumers through an arbitration procedure, you agree that all disputes with a manufacturer resulting from your purchase or announcement of a production program or subscription channel are settled by BINDING ARBITRAGE, managed by JAMS in accordance with this section 10. This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses and allows for redistribution. This license is often considered a “free advertising” license because it allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they mention and bind you to you, but they cannot modify or use them commercially. Browse creative Commons videos licensed on Vimeo. Find out what you can do with other people`s videos on Vimeo and what you can`t do to help you share, review and reuse legally. Share Alike: You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work. Their content; Feedback: If you transmit content to Vimeo (i.e. in your profile, comment or forum), you grant Vimeo an irrevocable, global, non-exclusive, free, unlimited, and a license for use, reproduction, adaptation, transmission, distribution, license and public broadcast in all media and display such content for all uses. All content transmitted must comply with the authorized use guidelines set out in Section 6.

If you make suggestions to Vimeo to improve our products or services, Vimeo can use your suggestions without compensation for you. Contact us: If you have any assistance questions, please contact us at the ottsupport@vimeo.com. You must send us all legal notifications to: This section 10 contains a binding arbitration agreement between you and Vimeo (the “arbitration agreement”). In this arbitration agreement, you agree: This agreement contains the full agreement between you and Vimeo regarding your use of the Vimeo OTT service and replaces all previous agreements regarding it. This agreement can only be changed by us. All changes are published on Vimeo`s website and apply prospectively. You can only download content that you can download and share. Copyright owners can send a takedown notification to Vimeo, as stated in our copyright policy, if they think Vimeo hosts offensive materials.